That awful feeling when you get told that you've called Laura Tingle Lara AFTER you've sent out the email ...

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Noted, tks Peter. Wasn't sure if you meant Lara Bingle....

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Hey Peter

I love that you and Gideon are like the odd couple......both great at what you do but you come from different directions in the way you write, and I suspect, the way you live.

It's a magic combination and you both look like you're enjoying your new unshackled lives and we are all the better for it.

Enjoy Sri Lanka Peter

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Great job guys. Been travelling around India the last couple of weeks and enjoyed your dispatches from Melbourne and Sydney. Go well in SL PL.

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See you there Pete..! Flying in from singapore with 4 mates.. I’ll be the one with the cricket et al shirt…. 😎😎

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Excellent. Look forward to catching up.

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Not sure if you’ll see this but, while trying to remove the Bush Turkey mound, I listened to your great yarn about the boy on the horse who upstaged the ridiculous de Groot. Loved your summary of Lang’s response to British imperialism. Oh how we’ve shrunk!

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Thanks Ned. Lennie is a great story.

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Was a thoroughly enjoyable test series, complimented brilliantly by the Cricket et al coverage - looking forward to your work in Sri Lanka already.

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Classique Pete - We would have recorded another podcast last night, but as you may have heard, I have lost the podcast machine. (I also left my electric toothbrush in Brisbane, the Et Al Aeropress in a cab in Perth, and my NY Giants cap in Adelaide. FML!)

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Terrific job as always. Looking forward to you doing your best work in Sri Lanka

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Strong Etal squad. Well rounded attack, solid defense

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Jan 8Edited

Peter, hearing about your losses/lapses on the BGT tour, and the ipad & passport incidents in the UK a little while ago…I’m wondering if you are in peri-menopause 😂

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If that’s the case then I’ve had it since birth.

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Look, if you're broke and need to increase the subscription fee - just say so. I remember in my punting days - losing the cheque book; forgetting the PIN; unexpected car repairs; unantiticipated medical expenses; the dog ate my winning tickets etc etc. We've heard it all before. No need to invent these incredulous yarns about losing everything.

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That’s funny.

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First of all, congratulations to you both on a very successful Cricket Et Al. We have enjoyed your coverage enormously. I forward it on to friends in an effort to promote your work. (Not sure how effective it is.) Thrilled you and Sue are not fighting, but, in the interests of preserving what little you haven’t lost, Peter, perhaps Sue should travel with you and look after your stuff.

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Can’t take that risk. I’d probably lose her.

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Pete, you are beyond help!!

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Magnificent Gideon - true professional. Pete, your NY hat will be on an outside table at the Exeter after day 3. Meet you there? Oh, shit, I forgot I'm in Melbourne!!

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I never sit outside. If I’m paying pub prices I am paying to be IN a pub.

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If you accidentally bought 2 tickets doesn't that mean Gideon can go with you 😉

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Congratulations on your selection, Pete. 👏

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A pleasure to read and hear the team Cricket ET AL insights of what was a gripping series. Looking fwd to Pete reporting from Sri Lanka and all other matches leading up to an Ashes series.

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