Was there a moment where you stopped to consider whether the antidote to "think-alike writer's festivals" was a carefully curated, sponsored, one-sided junket? Why is the skepticism from the traumas in Gaza not equally shared here?
Why visit Israel? Why not the Uighurs,or Chad? What have you done besides throw cheap barbs of "what-aboutism" at those trying to do something somewhere else.
Feels like a shallow self-justification. You're an incredible writer, but a shameless person.
If I were favoured with the opportunity to visit Israel at this moment in its history, a moment at which both the ICJ and the UN's Special Rapporteur have found grounds to suspect it of the ultimate crime, I'd be weary of repeating the claims it makes in justification.
I'd be especially weary of its narrative of mass rape. You cite, in support, a UN paper which, if anything, contradicts it. At any rate, it declares "unfounded" more claims than it affirms, and even suggests -- see paragraph 65 -- that an Israeli bomb squad staged or faked a rape scene. The most it can find to say in the opposite direction is that there are "reasonable grounds" for certain stories. But as Chloe Baszanger-Marnay told journalists at the press conference which launched the report: "On Be'eri, just to clarify, what we found was that there were two allegations we looked into that were unfounded. And they're very well described in the reports and you'll recognize them because they were highly publicised in the press. The rest we could not verify. So no, we could not verify any sexual violence in Be'eri at this point."
I would submit, respectfully, that you've misrepresented her work.
I would also submit (with somewhat less respect) that it's downright RolandPerryesque of you to cite that paper for two episodes it doesn't even mention, let alone corroborate. "Among those taken to Gaza," you write in your summary, "were a woman knifed in the back every time she flinched whilst being violated, and a woman whose breast was cut off for the amusement of a mob then gradually 'shredded to pieces.'"
The second story, as the merest word search will show, is from the New York Times, not the Office of the SRSG-SVC (but not even the Times uses the phrase "shredded to pieces": Where on earth did you get that?). It's from an article, moreover, that the newspaper is walking back, in response to some pointed and well-supported criticism. Its source, identified only as "Sapir," also claims that she saw "terrorists carrying the severed heads of three more women," but of course, there is no evidence for the decapitation of any female on October 7.
I've read your compatriot Phillip Knightley's imperishable book The First Casualty times enough to be weary of atrocity stories. It's the merest truism that they're often fabricated, and that the purpose of the fabrication is to justify very real atrocities "in response." It sure looks like that's what's going on here. What a pity to find you, of all people, participating in it. I can't begin to square this with your laudable defence of Usman Khawaja and his peace advocacy earlier in the summer.
PS: Hamas's crimes are quite enormous enough. They need no exaggeration.
I've "defended" nothing, Gideon. I'm certainly not in any sort of pro-Hamas camp (although you appear to regard my entire country, South Africa, as an affiliate), and have no difficulty condemning October 7. As I said above, it needs no exaggeration.
With that in mind, would you please explain why you attribute things to the UN report which do not appear in it? -- things, indeed, which their true source is now walking back.
I hope you'll be big enough to follow that example and retract the libel you've just directed at me.
“No journalist could resist an opportunity to go. It was a sponsored trip[…]”
On the contrary, I’d contend that no journalist would entertain such an opportunity for even a second. “There was no pressure on me to write anything” — what good fortune for the sponsors, then, that this was nevertheless the result!
No thinking person could at this point claim ignorance of Israel’s crimes — an illegal military occupation extending past 66 years, an apartheid state so explicit that even the most recalcitrant human rights organisations have long since labeled it such, illegal settlements sponsored by the government annexing de facto Palestinian territory, and now carrying out a blatantly genocidal war which has killed tens of thousands and produced the biggest worldwide public protests since the Iraq War. Anyone who accepts invitation to a trip sponsored by the government responsible knows exactly what they are signing up for, and evidently has no qualms in signing up. We know that journalists writing of apartheid South Africa have had their works appropriately judged by history.
I wouldn’t have presumed to speculate about Mr Haigh’s thoughts on the situation in Palestine, but I wouldn’t have predicted in a million years that he would attend a sponsored trip such as he did, to produce a work such as this. And so, gobsmacked and heartbroken, I pick my jaw up off the floor, and take my leave from this corner of the internet.
We’ve all read it Gideon. Perhaps you didn’t write what you thought you did. But the contempt you project towards people with thoughtful views speaks volumes.
The stories of the pain of those who lost family and friends on October 7th are saddening. The same anguish has no doubt been experienced by the families and friends of the THIRTY THOUSAND Gazans lost since. To ignore them is to deny the truth of what Israel is doing.
Mr Haigh writes
"Israel's detractors are loath to acknowledge the company they are keeping and innocents continue to die"
Maybe he should have written "Israel's apologists are loath to acknowledge the company they are keeping and innocents continue to die" (and if you need me to spell it out) in much greater numbers than those that died on October 7th.
I'll use different wording if you like . Devastating! Horrific!
It doesn't alter the fact that what the Israelis are doing is just as devasting / horrific or more so. THIRTY THOUSAND people dead. More than a million facing starvation due to Israeli actions / inactions.
"As though they died of natural causes."
Israel and its apologists are so caught up in what happened on October 7th they are dismissive of the plight of the people in Gaza.
If you want to watch horror video footage watch the IDF shooting innocent people in cold blood and then abusing the bodies with earth moving equipment.
If you are interested in the truth don't follow Isralei propoaganda read other news sources. More UN workers have been killed in Gaza than any other conflict. Journalists (other than those on Israel sponsored propaganda trips) have been targetted by the IDF. Hospitals have been attacked. Medical equipment destroyed.
What happened on October the 7th was horrible. What has been happening since is even worse!
I'm ... speechless. Appalled by the quotidian tone... I'm... my heart just broke reading one of my favourite authors write this piece. Much like Judith Butlers piece in the aftermath of Oct 7th shook me to my core. The disconnect is deafening. Oh the 'messiness of grief' during a genocide (ongoing for 6th month running but who's counting). Recommended read for you GH - "The Holocaust Industry" by Norman Finkelstein. Its a good place to start to make sense of why you were invited and why you feel compelled to write this piece. Even Avi Shlaims work or that of his eminent student, Ilan Pappé , would help you understand how things be and why they are so in that region. I name these since these are eminent Jewish scholars in the field of history and political science. Perhaps you wont take any of us plebs in the comments seriously, but prefer to read critical scholarship on the issue.
Yes, I have, havent I. I wrote this before I read other comments here encouraging you to reflect on what you've written and I found myself agreeing with many of them on the ghastliness of a genocide that you're whitewashing with this piece after a paid-for tour. But I see you're not at all interested in any good faith engagement inviting you to deepen your understanding. I was mistaken. Have a nice day.
Did you not see the section beginning 'Yet stasis is an illusion', Sarah? Maybe you didn't get that far. I chose to concentrate my reporting on what I could see. That was the benefit of going. I thought that was more useful than simply recapitulating what is already widely reported. Sure, I saw some things and not others. But if you would prefer journalism with a different perspective, it's hardly in short supply. Like you, I would prefer the fighting had ceased long ago - the famine, as I say, is a completely avoidable human tragedy arising largely from Israeli intransigence. But I'm not sure that opinion counts for much. You have a nice day too.
Largely from intransigence is one way of putting it. Netanyahu and Hagari have acknowledge the Israeli military's responsibility for the 'tragic death' of the international food aid workers. It in inconceivable a modern military could accidentally hit an aid convoy, a large and reputable well coordinated international organisation (with markings on the roof mind), who had prior been in close contact with the military providing aid route plans and locations. This is a message to those aid groups and to hasten the catastrophic famine, already showing effect as evidenced by: https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/cyprus-ships-turning-back-gaza-240-tons-undelivered-108743577
(@Sarah i share the heart break and was trying so hard to move past this but seemingly can't. i even dreamt about it!)
Sadly, the situation in Gaza is not getting the level of reporting it deserves in the mainstream media, Israel has murdered around 180 Palestinian journalists in the past two years, and has recently released fabricated dossiers framing several Al Jazeera journalists (the only major international media network still on the ground in Gaza) as "Hamas operatives". The incredibly courageous journalists working in Palestine have continued to report from the region despite facing imminent and likely death. It is just horrific.
Did it cross your mind for a second that on your travels through israel, that you have more freedom of movement through the territories than those whose families had lived in this region for generations, did it ever occur that you are being used as a pawn in israel’s war of information?
Of course the provenance of the information imparted was a factor in my thinking, Sam. That's basic journalism. Did it ever occur to you and other armchair humanitarians that the just cause of Palestine has been hijacked by vicious misogynistic religious sadists?
I love that you call yourself a journalist (your a cricket writer champ) and that you think that’s valid justification as to why Palestine isn’t seen as a just cause, those of us who are serious about this topic reject all forms discrimination and prejudice, whether that’s misogyny, queer phobia or anti religious discrimination of any creed. You can’t call yourself a feminist and try to espouse what aboutisms to discredit a movement that doesn’t fit inside your limited understanding of the Middle East.
The facts on the ground are that 70% of all casualties have been women and children, women in Palestine don’t have access to menstrual supplies and are forced to give birth without anaesthetic.
Yeah good on ya mate, I saw my grammatical error after I hit send and thought about deleting and re-writing, but I thought it would be funnier to see you focus on the minutiae of some dumb cunts writing rather than the obvious human rights and humanitarian concerns that you would rather wilfully ignore
Gideon, Hamas is despicable and indefensible.. but imagine being worse than Hamas - carrying out a full blown genocide with impunity for 6 months (and counting)? And now imagine sitting on the fence abt calling that out in the clearest terms.
Israel started slaughtering Palestinians in 1948, jewish terrorists slaughtered them for 31 years before that and the marxist zionists for 37 years before that and you are still on about 1 DAMN DAY IN 52.500 DAYS OF SLAUGHTER AND DISPOSSESSION. Do you realise how ignorant you are.
Gideon, as an admirer of your work, I feel truly shocked by your dismissive responses to many of the comments in this thread. Despite what you argue, it’s clear that the people you mock here have indeed taken the time to read your article. If you were not open to meaningful conversations about the issues it raises, why did you publish it?
The Hamas attacks on Oct 7 were undisputedly horrific. I have not encountered anyone who condoned, let alone ‘celebrated’, what happened that day, and I recognise the ongoing grief and trauma they have caused. But that cannot make Israel’s brutal retaliation (involving well-documented war crimes and an increasingly clear agenda of ethnic cleansing) in any way defensible.
If you are looking for “a real-time carnival of carnage”, it has been available every day for the past 12 months. If the argument from Hamas is that “everything we do is justified”, as far as I can see, Israel is operating with the very same conviction – with the implicit and explicit support of most western governments, including our own (hence, I believe, why it is such a galvanising issue for so many people).
You ask why “armchair humanitarians” want to be part of a movement hijacked by “vicious misogynistic religious sadists”?! You mean, we should stop campaigning for peace and the basic human rights of a whole population – including its children – because those aims are shared by a terrorist organisation? Personally, I am particularly admiring of the many Jewish groups and individuals who turn up to the pro-Palestine rallies week after week to express their sense of anguish and anger about the crimes being committed in the name of their "safety".
When I recently posted a comment on social media stating my concern about the impact of Israel’s attacks on Palestinian children, it attracted several responses along the lines of (and including): “I hope Hamas rapes you and your entire family.” Do I assume that person represents the attitude of most Israelis? Of course not. No more than a sign saying something as immoral as 'Rape is Resistance' (as you claim) represents most Palestinians and their supporters.
Just today, I saw a photo posted on Instagram by an Israeli soldier, sitting on the steps of a destroyed house having a smoke with a fellow soldier, gleefully boasting: “A little cigarette break before we continue murdering innocents.” As you say, “only men desensitised and denatured in a systematic manner could have behaved so bestially”. That cuts both ways.
Can you honestly watch the footage coming out of Gaza and Lebanon – endless images of children’s bodies shredded to pieces or with bullets lodged in their skulls; limbs blown off; tiny hands and feet poking out of the rubble; countless orphans trying to care for their siblings – and tell me that the Israeli government and its army are not also “vicious sadists”?
I know and believe that my comprehension (and condemnation) of the grief and trauma caused by the Oct 7 attacks do not in any way conflict with my shock and outrage at Israel’s subsequent retaliation and decades-long human rights violations in Palestine. To question the actions of Israel is not “demonising Israelis out of hand”. When any country is given full license to carry out acts of blind hatred and revenge, the whole world is in serious trouble. Such a shame not to use this forum to host a more nuanced, robust and respectful dialogue.
Appreciate your nuanced perspective. You explain your opinions. I saw this article when published, so why did I avoid reading it? That it would make me uncomfortable, just as I look away from the nightly images of children and destruction in Gaza?
Can I be pro-Israel and despise Netanyahu, Smotrich et al? A Hamas they indulged and criminally underestimated, but now use as human sacrifice to extend their rule. I thought of outraged Polish Jew who assassinated a Nazi embassy official in Paris and gave the justification for Kristalnacht. The actions are not remotely proportionate, but the pre-determined self justification of a barbarous response clearly is. No serious independent inquiry into Israeli government pre 1/10 incompetence, division and neglect will ever be possible in Netanyahu's state of perpetual war. He is a ruthless opportunist. His stated aim is to destroy Hamas, but in reality his endlessly brutal response perpetuates hatreds and extreme militants for generations to come. Israel kills their fighters and hardens their resistance and ideology.
Can I be sympathetic to Palestinian statehood and opposed to Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi and Iranian repressive militancy? Wooly western liberal thinking in a world of brutal realities and realpolitik alliances of convenience. My enemy's enemy is my low cost attack supplier?
If the West cannot hang together we will surely hang alone. Putin, Zhi and the oil rich middle east theocracies await their moment for an alliance of the aggrieved. America slinks into isolationism and in the chaotic aftermath of the November elections - likely Taiwan or the Baltic states are next in line.
Israel has nuclear weapons. Australia has iron ore. Likely we find out how Bradman and Pig Iron Bob felt in 1939.
You write very movingly about the victims of Ocotber 7th and I can only offer my condolence and condemn the actions of Hamas.
You mentioned that sympathy for the victims neednt be a zero-sum game, however in the end you'v not quite managed to live this fairly routine ask. The whole piece seems a meditation in zero-sum-ery where mention of the Gaza civilian is heavily couched, heavily curtailed, as if we dont want to be too tough on the Netanyahu government. Sometimes in life, it's better to not be not be the Jeff Thomson with fiery robust and forthright confrontation of what the ICJ has called a 'plausible genocide'- lets instead be Mark Ealham with the dibbly dobbles. Go through the motion, but really nothing but gentile military medium which will not trouble anyone, let alone good people of the Israeli War Cabinet no doubt deeply admired by friends at AIJAC.
I write this on a day 22 April when they when there appears to be reports of mass graves found in Khan Younis. I'll leave you to do your own research about who was responsible.
However, It has made me wonder about Bosnia in the 90s. I imagine you being invited on similar trip by the the Australian Serbian Affairs Council or ASAC - (i dont know if such an organisation exists) and I wonder if you would right a similar piece.
I love your writing; really enjoy listening to your interviews and podcast (was really sad when Cricket et Cetera was canned). I'v kept the present tense, In the hope maybe my slight awkward spell (not quite tommo, but definitely not Mark Ealham) will cause you to reflect on this.
I wont say I'm disappointed because - no one cares and probably rightly so - but I wanted to express a degree of frustration at reading this piece. It felt it read like the greatest hits of Eylon Levy inter-dispersed with wise and wary words of wisdom from people on the ground worth listening to; but in the final analysis it did so to the exclusion of the scores of dead being massacred across the fence.....sums were added here...and they added up to zero.
A significant difference between this conflict and those you say we ignore (Chad etc) is that many countries in 'the West' are not only funding this genocide but also supplying the weapons directly to the genocidal power. Furthermore the conflict only exists because of short sighted hubristic actions of 'the West' after WW2.
Hamas surrending their weapons, returning those hostages still alive, giving up using schools , hospitals and civilians as decoys would result in a ceasefire. Yet they are still firing rockets and using in effect Gazans as hostages. They are like a team hoping for a match saving last wicket partnership sponsored by Iran and Hezbollah that ain't going to happen. A sobering analysis that should be read by the River to Sea robots populating our campuses.
Hamas do not use civilians as human shields, by definition hamas are civilians even if they have guns - they don't have army, navy, airforce, have been under siege for 76 years, 3 generations have grown up under the illegal occupiers boots.
The rest of your ramble is just the racist facist Israeli talking points, Gideon is an ignorant shallow dill who gut suckered by the lobby
Was there a moment where you stopped to consider whether the antidote to "think-alike writer's festivals" was a carefully curated, sponsored, one-sided junket? Why is the skepticism from the traumas in Gaza not equally shared here?
Why visit Israel? Why not the Uighurs,or Chad? What have you done besides throw cheap barbs of "what-aboutism" at those trying to do something somewhere else.
Feels like a shallow self-justification. You're an incredible writer, but a shameless person.
Feel free to disagree, Goblet, but keep your ad hominems to yourself.
If I were favoured with the opportunity to visit Israel at this moment in its history, a moment at which both the ICJ and the UN's Special Rapporteur have found grounds to suspect it of the ultimate crime, I'd be weary of repeating the claims it makes in justification.
I'd be especially weary of its narrative of mass rape. You cite, in support, a UN paper which, if anything, contradicts it. At any rate, it declares "unfounded" more claims than it affirms, and even suggests -- see paragraph 65 -- that an Israeli bomb squad staged or faked a rape scene. The most it can find to say in the opposite direction is that there are "reasonable grounds" for certain stories. But as Chloe Baszanger-Marnay told journalists at the press conference which launched the report: "On Be'eri, just to clarify, what we found was that there were two allegations we looked into that were unfounded. And they're very well described in the reports and you'll recognize them because they were highly publicised in the press. The rest we could not verify. So no, we could not verify any sexual violence in Be'eri at this point."
I would submit, respectfully, that you've misrepresented her work.
I would also submit (with somewhat less respect) that it's downright RolandPerryesque of you to cite that paper for two episodes it doesn't even mention, let alone corroborate. "Among those taken to Gaza," you write in your summary, "were a woman knifed in the back every time she flinched whilst being violated, and a woman whose breast was cut off for the amusement of a mob then gradually 'shredded to pieces.'"
The second story, as the merest word search will show, is from the New York Times, not the Office of the SRSG-SVC (but not even the Times uses the phrase "shredded to pieces": Where on earth did you get that?). It's from an article, moreover, that the newspaper is walking back, in response to some pointed and well-supported criticism. Its source, identified only as "Sapir," also claims that she saw "terrorists carrying the severed heads of three more women," but of course, there is no evidence for the decapitation of any female on October 7.
I've read your compatriot Phillip Knightley's imperishable book The First Casualty times enough to be weary of atrocity stories. It's the merest truism that they're often fabricated, and that the purpose of the fabrication is to justify very real atrocities "in response." It sure looks like that's what's going on here. What a pity to find you, of all people, participating in it. I can't begin to square this with your laudable defence of Usman Khawaja and his peace advocacy earlier in the summer.
PS: Hamas's crimes are quite enormous enough. They need no exaggeration.
Take care before trying to defend the indefensible, Rodney.
I've "defended" nothing, Gideon. I'm certainly not in any sort of pro-Hamas camp (although you appear to regard my entire country, South Africa, as an affiliate), and have no difficulty condemning October 7. As I said above, it needs no exaggeration.
With that in mind, would you please explain why you attribute things to the UN report which do not appear in it? -- things, indeed, which their true source is now walking back.
I hope you'll be big enough to follow that example and retract the libel you've just directed at me.
PS: It occurs to me that it's just about conceivable that you're unaware of the unfolding scandal surrounding the New York Times reporting:
There were no damn rapes, it's a fantasy yarn written by grifters and liars.
“No journalist could resist an opportunity to go. It was a sponsored trip[…]”
On the contrary, I’d contend that no journalist would entertain such an opportunity for even a second. “There was no pressure on me to write anything” — what good fortune for the sponsors, then, that this was nevertheless the result!
No thinking person could at this point claim ignorance of Israel’s crimes — an illegal military occupation extending past 66 years, an apartheid state so explicit that even the most recalcitrant human rights organisations have long since labeled it such, illegal settlements sponsored by the government annexing de facto Palestinian territory, and now carrying out a blatantly genocidal war which has killed tens of thousands and produced the biggest worldwide public protests since the Iraq War. Anyone who accepts invitation to a trip sponsored by the government responsible knows exactly what they are signing up for, and evidently has no qualms in signing up. We know that journalists writing of apartheid South Africa have had their works appropriately judged by history.
I wouldn’t have presumed to speculate about Mr Haigh’s thoughts on the situation in Palestine, but I wouldn’t have predicted in a million years that he would attend a sponsored trip such as he did, to produce a work such as this. And so, gobsmacked and heartbroken, I pick my jaw up off the floor, and take my leave from this corner of the internet.
Free Palestine 🇵🇸🫶
You're welcome to read the piece, by the way.
Most gracious of you, sir — I’ve read it.
You're still here, Mikhail? I thought you were leaving, gobsmacked and heartbroken. Don't let me stop you.
We’ve all read it Gideon. Perhaps you didn’t write what you thought you did. But the contempt you project towards people with thoughtful views speaks volumes.
Thank you and I agree. I just didnt have the heart to write it so bluntly.
"Our comprehension can only be expanded so far. Gaza and the West Bank are, unsurprisingly, off limits to our visit."
Ah, well. Outta sight, outta mind.
Actually no.
The stories of the pain of those who lost family and friends on October 7th are saddening. The same anguish has no doubt been experienced by the families and friends of the THIRTY THOUSAND Gazans lost since. To ignore them is to deny the truth of what Israel is doing.
Mr Haigh writes
"Israel's detractors are loath to acknowledge the company they are keeping and innocents continue to die"
Maybe he should have written "Israel's apologists are loath to acknowledge the company they are keeping and innocents continue to die" (and if you need me to spell it out) in much greater numbers than those that died on October 7th.
If you want peace stop killing people!
'Saddening' - what a huge concession, how big-hearted of you, as though they died of natural causes.
You need to read more, Israel is committing genocide so like a stooge you take your silly little paid jaunt with the very people committing it.
You’ve been played Mr Haigh. Hope you enjoyed the freebie.
It was great, thanks.
I'll use different wording if you like . Devastating! Horrific!
It doesn't alter the fact that what the Israelis are doing is just as devasting / horrific or more so. THIRTY THOUSAND people dead. More than a million facing starvation due to Israeli actions / inactions.
"As though they died of natural causes."
Israel and its apologists are so caught up in what happened on October 7th they are dismissive of the plight of the people in Gaza.
If you want to watch horror video footage watch the IDF shooting innocent people in cold blood and then abusing the bodies with earth moving equipment.
If you are interested in the truth don't follow Isralei propoaganda read other news sources. More UN workers have been killed in Gaza than any other conflict. Journalists (other than those on Israel sponsored propaganda trips) have been targetted by the IDF. Hospitals have been attacked. Medical equipment destroyed.
What happened on October the 7th was horrible. What has been happening since is even worse!
If you want peace stop killing people.
I'm ... speechless. Appalled by the quotidian tone... I'm... my heart just broke reading one of my favourite authors write this piece. Much like Judith Butlers piece in the aftermath of Oct 7th shook me to my core. The disconnect is deafening. Oh the 'messiness of grief' during a genocide (ongoing for 6th month running but who's counting). Recommended read for you GH - "The Holocaust Industry" by Norman Finkelstein. Its a good place to start to make sense of why you were invited and why you feel compelled to write this piece. Even Avi Shlaims work or that of his eminent student, Ilan Pappé , would help you understand how things be and why they are so in that region. I name these since these are eminent Jewish scholars in the field of history and political science. Perhaps you wont take any of us plebs in the comments seriously, but prefer to read critical scholarship on the issue.
Sarah, you're obviously not speechless because you've commented three times.
Yes, I have, havent I. I wrote this before I read other comments here encouraging you to reflect on what you've written and I found myself agreeing with many of them on the ghastliness of a genocide that you're whitewashing with this piece after a paid-for tour. But I see you're not at all interested in any good faith engagement inviting you to deepen your understanding. I was mistaken. Have a nice day.
Did you not see the section beginning 'Yet stasis is an illusion', Sarah? Maybe you didn't get that far. I chose to concentrate my reporting on what I could see. That was the benefit of going. I thought that was more useful than simply recapitulating what is already widely reported. Sure, I saw some things and not others. But if you would prefer journalism with a different perspective, it's hardly in short supply. Like you, I would prefer the fighting had ceased long ago - the famine, as I say, is a completely avoidable human tragedy arising largely from Israeli intransigence. But I'm not sure that opinion counts for much. You have a nice day too.
Largely from intransigence is one way of putting it. Netanyahu and Hagari have acknowledge the Israeli military's responsibility for the 'tragic death' of the international food aid workers. It in inconceivable a modern military could accidentally hit an aid convoy, a large and reputable well coordinated international organisation (with markings on the roof mind), who had prior been in close contact with the military providing aid route plans and locations. This is a message to those aid groups and to hasten the catastrophic famine, already showing effect as evidenced by: https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/cyprus-ships-turning-back-gaza-240-tons-undelivered-108743577
(@Sarah i share the heart break and was trying so hard to move past this but seemingly can't. i even dreamt about it!)
I agree.
Sadly, the situation in Gaza is not getting the level of reporting it deserves in the mainstream media, Israel has murdered around 180 Palestinian journalists in the past two years, and has recently released fabricated dossiers framing several Al Jazeera journalists (the only major international media network still on the ground in Gaza) as "Hamas operatives". The incredibly courageous journalists working in Palestine have continued to report from the region despite facing imminent and likely death. It is just horrific.
Did it cross your mind for a second that on your travels through israel, that you have more freedom of movement through the territories than those whose families had lived in this region for generations, did it ever occur that you are being used as a pawn in israel’s war of information?
Of course the provenance of the information imparted was a factor in my thinking, Sam. That's basic journalism. Did it ever occur to you and other armchair humanitarians that the just cause of Palestine has been hijacked by vicious misogynistic religious sadists?
I love that you call yourself a journalist (your a cricket writer champ) and that you think that’s valid justification as to why Palestine isn’t seen as a just cause, those of us who are serious about this topic reject all forms discrimination and prejudice, whether that’s misogyny, queer phobia or anti religious discrimination of any creed. You can’t call yourself a feminist and try to espouse what aboutisms to discredit a movement that doesn’t fit inside your limited understanding of the Middle East.
The facts on the ground are that 70% of all casualties have been women and children, women in Palestine don’t have access to menstrual supplies and are forced to give birth without anaesthetic.
Sam, you're drivelling now. And please learn the difference between 'your' and 'you're'.
Yeah good on ya mate, I saw my grammatical error after I hit send and thought about deleting and re-writing, but I thought it would be funnier to see you focus on the minutiae of some dumb cunts writing rather than the obvious human rights and humanitarian concerns that you would rather wilfully ignore
Bye Sam.
Gideon, Hamas is despicable and indefensible.. but imagine being worse than Hamas - carrying out a full blown genocide with impunity for 6 months (and counting)? And now imagine sitting on the fence abt calling that out in the clearest terms.
Israel started slaughtering Palestinians in 1948, jewish terrorists slaughtered them for 31 years before that and the marxist zionists for 37 years before that and you are still on about 1 DAMN DAY IN 52.500 DAYS OF SLAUGHTER AND DISPOSSESSION. Do you realise how ignorant you are.
You're dribbling on your keyboard, Marilyn.
Oh dear, people just can't stand facts, Israeli's are now burning food for starving children.
Thanks Gideon. This was excellent, thoughtful, thought provoking and deeply moving
This is an excellent, thoughtful piece. Thank you for bringing your insight.
Gideon, as an admirer of your work, I feel truly shocked by your dismissive responses to many of the comments in this thread. Despite what you argue, it’s clear that the people you mock here have indeed taken the time to read your article. If you were not open to meaningful conversations about the issues it raises, why did you publish it?
The Hamas attacks on Oct 7 were undisputedly horrific. I have not encountered anyone who condoned, let alone ‘celebrated’, what happened that day, and I recognise the ongoing grief and trauma they have caused. But that cannot make Israel’s brutal retaliation (involving well-documented war crimes and an increasingly clear agenda of ethnic cleansing) in any way defensible.
If you are looking for “a real-time carnival of carnage”, it has been available every day for the past 12 months. If the argument from Hamas is that “everything we do is justified”, as far as I can see, Israel is operating with the very same conviction – with the implicit and explicit support of most western governments, including our own (hence, I believe, why it is such a galvanising issue for so many people).
You ask why “armchair humanitarians” want to be part of a movement hijacked by “vicious misogynistic religious sadists”?! You mean, we should stop campaigning for peace and the basic human rights of a whole population – including its children – because those aims are shared by a terrorist organisation? Personally, I am particularly admiring of the many Jewish groups and individuals who turn up to the pro-Palestine rallies week after week to express their sense of anguish and anger about the crimes being committed in the name of their "safety".
When I recently posted a comment on social media stating my concern about the impact of Israel’s attacks on Palestinian children, it attracted several responses along the lines of (and including): “I hope Hamas rapes you and your entire family.” Do I assume that person represents the attitude of most Israelis? Of course not. No more than a sign saying something as immoral as 'Rape is Resistance' (as you claim) represents most Palestinians and their supporters.
Just today, I saw a photo posted on Instagram by an Israeli soldier, sitting on the steps of a destroyed house having a smoke with a fellow soldier, gleefully boasting: “A little cigarette break before we continue murdering innocents.” As you say, “only men desensitised and denatured in a systematic manner could have behaved so bestially”. That cuts both ways.
Can you honestly watch the footage coming out of Gaza and Lebanon – endless images of children’s bodies shredded to pieces or with bullets lodged in their skulls; limbs blown off; tiny hands and feet poking out of the rubble; countless orphans trying to care for their siblings – and tell me that the Israeli government and its army are not also “vicious sadists”?
I know and believe that my comprehension (and condemnation) of the grief and trauma caused by the Oct 7 attacks do not in any way conflict with my shock and outrage at Israel’s subsequent retaliation and decades-long human rights violations in Palestine. To question the actions of Israel is not “demonising Israelis out of hand”. When any country is given full license to carry out acts of blind hatred and revenge, the whole world is in serious trouble. Such a shame not to use this forum to host a more nuanced, robust and respectful dialogue.
well said Rachel!
Appreciate your nuanced perspective. You explain your opinions. I saw this article when published, so why did I avoid reading it? That it would make me uncomfortable, just as I look away from the nightly images of children and destruction in Gaza?
Can I be pro-Israel and despise Netanyahu, Smotrich et al? A Hamas they indulged and criminally underestimated, but now use as human sacrifice to extend their rule. I thought of outraged Polish Jew who assassinated a Nazi embassy official in Paris and gave the justification for Kristalnacht. The actions are not remotely proportionate, but the pre-determined self justification of a barbarous response clearly is. No serious independent inquiry into Israeli government pre 1/10 incompetence, division and neglect will ever be possible in Netanyahu's state of perpetual war. He is a ruthless opportunist. His stated aim is to destroy Hamas, but in reality his endlessly brutal response perpetuates hatreds and extreme militants for generations to come. Israel kills their fighters and hardens their resistance and ideology.
Can I be sympathetic to Palestinian statehood and opposed to Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi and Iranian repressive militancy? Wooly western liberal thinking in a world of brutal realities and realpolitik alliances of convenience. My enemy's enemy is my low cost attack supplier?
If the West cannot hang together we will surely hang alone. Putin, Zhi and the oil rich middle east theocracies await their moment for an alliance of the aggrieved. America slinks into isolationism and in the chaotic aftermath of the November elections - likely Taiwan or the Baltic states are next in line.
Israel has nuclear weapons. Australia has iron ore. Likely we find out how Bradman and Pig Iron Bob felt in 1939.
You write very movingly about the victims of Ocotber 7th and I can only offer my condolence and condemn the actions of Hamas.
You mentioned that sympathy for the victims neednt be a zero-sum game, however in the end you'v not quite managed to live this fairly routine ask. The whole piece seems a meditation in zero-sum-ery where mention of the Gaza civilian is heavily couched, heavily curtailed, as if we dont want to be too tough on the Netanyahu government. Sometimes in life, it's better to not be not be the Jeff Thomson with fiery robust and forthright confrontation of what the ICJ has called a 'plausible genocide'- lets instead be Mark Ealham with the dibbly dobbles. Go through the motion, but really nothing but gentile military medium which will not trouble anyone, let alone good people of the Israeli War Cabinet no doubt deeply admired by friends at AIJAC.
I write this on a day 22 April when they when there appears to be reports of mass graves found in Khan Younis. I'll leave you to do your own research about who was responsible.
However, It has made me wonder about Bosnia in the 90s. I imagine you being invited on similar trip by the the Australian Serbian Affairs Council or ASAC - (i dont know if such an organisation exists) and I wonder if you would right a similar piece.
I love your writing; really enjoy listening to your interviews and podcast (was really sad when Cricket et Cetera was canned). I'v kept the present tense, In the hope maybe my slight awkward spell (not quite tommo, but definitely not Mark Ealham) will cause you to reflect on this.
I wont say I'm disappointed because - no one cares and probably rightly so - but I wanted to express a degree of frustration at reading this piece. It felt it read like the greatest hits of Eylon Levy inter-dispersed with wise and wary words of wisdom from people on the ground worth listening to; but in the final analysis it did so to the exclusion of the scores of dead being massacred across the fence.....sums were added here...and they added up to zero.
A significant difference between this conflict and those you say we ignore (Chad etc) is that many countries in 'the West' are not only funding this genocide but also supplying the weapons directly to the genocidal power. Furthermore the conflict only exists because of short sighted hubristic actions of 'the West' after WW2.
Hamas surrending their weapons, returning those hostages still alive, giving up using schools , hospitals and civilians as decoys would result in a ceasefire. Yet they are still firing rockets and using in effect Gazans as hostages. They are like a team hoping for a match saving last wicket partnership sponsored by Iran and Hezbollah that ain't going to happen. A sobering analysis that should be read by the River to Sea robots populating our campuses.
Hamas do not use civilians as human shields, by definition hamas are civilians even if they have guns - they don't have army, navy, airforce, have been under siege for 76 years, 3 generations have grown up under the illegal occupiers boots.
The rest of your ramble is just the racist facist Israeli talking points, Gideon is an ignorant shallow dill who gut suckered by the lobby