
Another great Top 10

Harem Scarem, Blockheads (apt)

Another suggestion I heard yesterday (warning: 70s MOR)

Right Down the Line (Gerry Rafferty follow up to Baker St)

Re: Start! (The Jam) - Issues with Taxman for any openers?

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Warner was always very tax conscious.

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❤️ the Top 10, keep it going.

Contributing to keep things moving:

Good Fortune - PJ Harvey

Eyes of the Insane - Slayer

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Sep 22Liked by peter lalor

I don't think Smith opening is a good idea not even Travis Head

Better to have Bancroft in so that Australia has a left right combination. Bancroft has done well in county cricket and deserves his chance. If Smith and Warner can play, so can Bancroft or if not him then Renshaw.

Moreover, if you want to sacrifice a wicket to slot Smith in middle order, open with Alex Carey

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Who are you going to drop?

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I will drop Mitchell Marsh and have Cameroon Green because I feel Green has more to offer with ball. I am not sure Marsh is as fit as Green to give you more overs as and when required. Though they are both explosive batters. Tough choice but Australians are known for making tough call.

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Sad indictment on the development of skilled players in planning and strategy. Not long ago every state would be pushing a candidate, either homegrown, or recruited in and flourishing in a new environment.

Now, we can’t seem to land on any with real conviction, hope or belief.

Is it time to be bold, with such a settled middle and lower order, to select the best probable 22 to 24yo and give them a long run.

Most quality players by that age have had at least 6 years in “elite” or “high-performance” programs. Give them a bloody go.

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