I was shaken up by this news, Steve Albini was one of the few true heroes I had left. As a musician, as a man, he stood for so many things I admire. Shellac were the band for me, I saw them 5 times and had tickets to see them in Manchester in a couple of weeks.

I sort of understood people's impulse to share the great records he had engineered on, but was left slightly baffled by it; as you said, he saw himself as a tradesman. Far better were the constant stream of genuinely hilarious quotes, barbs, witticisms, essays, letters to the editor. The man had more than one great book in him, I am sure of that.

And best still were the Shellac songs, spanning over 30 years but all of a piece because of that scratching, iridescent guitar tone. I think the Billiard Player Song from one of the first E.Ps is among the best rock songs ever written, at once bitter and wistful and caustic and heartbreaking - it is sui generic, like the man who wrote it.

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Well said Liam. What a loss.

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FYA Read the Uncompromising Letter That Steve Albini (RIP) Wrote to Nirvana Before Producing In Utero (1993)


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Great piece, Gideon. Such sad news, especially with a new Shellac album and tour on the way, he clearly had a lot left to give. Albini Top Ten next up?

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Nice writeup. RIP Steve Albini. In warning against major labels, ‘The Problem With Music’ ignores how unethical independent labels can also be. But he made great music. Apart from the usual suspects, my favourite is ‘The End Is Near’ by The New Year: “The end’s not near — it’s here.”

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