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""heavily populated by Hindutva-style nationalists insisting we shut up about India (but also to cover their IPL team) – have so far been strangely devoid of the instruction that we “cry more”.""

Wonder if it was Pezza or Gideon again this time. Missed the Nuremberg rally reference. Likening comment section anonymous trolls whose criticism comes in the form of Cry More, which is often accurate in the case of hypocritical pitch & spirit of the game chat coming from English and Aussie media, to Hindutva Nationalists, is in poor taste, misinformed and ignorant at best.

I wont expect better from Gideon, he is too old and too deep into his career to change his views, but I expect better from you Pezza. If you want to educate yourself on this, read anything that's not written or endorsed by Ram Guha. But I dont expect you to delve deep into this considering you utilize the word for petty gags.

Western journos and media houses do not represent the people and fans of Indian cricket. If you wanna engage with the majority of English speaking Indian cricket fans via your channel, who do love it, including me, you cannot go about mocking them for their identity and political views. I do not expect you to understand the history, context and idea behind the "Hindutva Nationalism" its honestly too much for an Indian let alone any middle aged Aussie who is new to Indian cricket, but please do refrain from ever referring to it in the context of Indian cricket, because it has nothing to do with it, despite however many articles you read from Sharda Ugra.

Passionate Indian cricket fans from all political, religious and geographic circles will comment cry more at any and all instances of Western media hypocrisy, trying to link them to Hindutva just shows your ignorance as a cricket writer

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