While cricket touches on money. personality, power and culture - you hit your stride on a broader canvas. Finance as if people mattered - both inside the investment decisions and in the assets being transacted. Money printing and the financialisation of everything means that today's version would be "My Interview with an Algorithm". CEO's loom larger because like Treasurers they are the only personal identity to vast systems neither they or their clients understand. There is a cyclicality to these things that will make your BT book an MBA text again in 20 years time.

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If they can find it, Peter!

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I was a recruiter of temporary accounting staff in Sydney during the 1990s and BT was my #1 client. My temps loved their assignments at BT, and many of them were converted to permanent staff over the years. The BT hiring managers I provided temps for were inevitably intelligent, hardworking, skillful and respectful. As an inexperienced 26-year-old agency recruiter with no banking background, these hiring managers could have made my life difficult, but they never did. The example Rob Ferguson set was unmistakable throughout the company.

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That's very interesting, Ross. BT certainly got under my skin, so it doesn't surprise me.

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Sound like great bunch of blokes

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Amazing. I learned a lot from them.

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